Stalwart Career Institute

Get access to the detailed solutions to the previous years questions asked in IIM IPMAT exam

1 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 1 - 6: Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

From ancient Rome up to the Victorian era, a training in logic and rhetoric was meant to help privileged young men recognize spurious arguments and facts. Times have changed, but contemporary Italy is determined that its youth are prepared, as their ancient counterparts were, to engage meaningfully with the present-day version of the Forum — social media. At the end of October, 8,000 Italian schools will teach their students how to spot fake news through a programmer developed with the help of journalists as well as tech giants Google and Facebook. In Israel, the University of Haifa is launching a course titled “Fake News.”
The purpose of these courses is to ensure that public debate, particularly during election campaigns, is not hijacked by vested interests. Since the US presidential election in 2016, the spectre of Russia and its use of online propaganda has loomed large over public discourse in the West. In other parts of the world too, doctored images and blatant lies have been published by “news” websites. Given the speed with which information is shared online, the damage is already done by the time a fake story is exposed. The voters of tomorrow certainly need to be armed with the ability to sift bare facts from motivated fiction. The effects of social media on the formation of opinion, however, go far beyond fake news.
Traditional or legacy media is ordered by a need for balance. A newspaper, for example, has sections that deal with politics, crime, sports, the arts et al. There is, at least in principle, an attempt to tell both sides of a story in each report. On social media, the only editor is the user herself. Algorithms ensure that people see more of what they “like”, that biases are reinforced rather than countered. Fake news is certainly a crucial aspect of online propaganda. But for young citizens to form opinions based on multiple viewpoints, they need to consciously seek out more than they are comfortable with.

The writer of the passage suggests that

the purpose of education in early times was very different from what it is now.

there are similarities in the aims of education in early times and those of today.

the purpose of education in early times was to help students attain a position of privilege.

as times have changed the basis of education has expanded.

there are similarities in the aims of education in early times and those of today.

2 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 1 - 6: Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

From ancient Rome up to the Victorian era, a training in logic and rhetoric was meant to help privileged young men recognize spurious arguments and facts. Times have changed, but contemporary Italy is determined that its youth are prepared, as their ancient counterparts were, to engage meaningfully with the present-day version of the Forum — social media. At the end of October, 8,000 Italian schools will teach their students how to spot fake news through a programmer developed with the help of journalists as well as tech giants Google and Facebook. In Israel, the University of Haifa is launching a course titled “Fake News.”
The purpose of these courses is to ensure that public debate, particularly during election campaigns, is not hijacked by vested interests. Since the US presidential election in 2016, the spectre of Russia and its use of online propaganda has loomed large over public discourse in the West. In other parts of the world too, doctored images and blatant lies have been published by “news” websites. Given the speed with which information is shared online, the damage is already done by the time a fake story is exposed. The voters of tomorrow certainly need to be armed with the ability to sift bare facts from motivated fiction. The effects of social media on the formation of opinion, however, go far beyond fake news.
Traditional or legacy media is ordered by a need for balance. A newspaper, for example, has sections that deal with politics, crime, sports, the arts et al. There is, at least in principle, an attempt to tell both sides of a story in each report. On social media, the only editor is the user herself. Algorithms ensure that people see more of what they “like”, that biases are reinforced rather than countered. Fake news is certainly a crucial aspect of online propaganda. But for young citizens to form opinions based on multiple viewpoints, they need to consciously seek out more than they are comfortable with.

The passage points out that an important difference between traditional media and social media is that

social media reaches more people.

traditional media tries to present different points of view.

social media is more balanced in its reports.

it is easier to spread fake stories through traditional media.

traditional media tries to present different points of view.

3 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 1 - 6: Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

From ancient Rome up to the Victorian era, a training in logic and rhetoric was meant to help privileged young men recognize spurious arguments and facts. Times have changed, but contemporary Italy is determined that its youth are prepared, as their ancient counterparts were, to engage meaningfully with the present-day version of the Forum — social media. At the end of October, 8,000 Italian schools will teach their students how to spot fake news through a programmer developed with the help of journalists as well as tech giants Google and Facebook. In Israel, the University of Haifa is launching a course titled “Fake News.”
The purpose of these courses is to ensure that public debate, particularly during election campaigns, is not hijacked by vested interests. Since the US presidential election in 2016, the spectre of Russia and its use of online propaganda has loomed large over public discourse in the West. In other parts of the world too, doctored images and blatant lies have been published by “news” websites. Given the speed with which information is shared online, the damage is already done by the time a fake story is exposed. The voters of tomorrow certainly need to be armed with the ability to sift bare facts from motivated fiction. The effects of social media on the formation of opinion, however, go far beyond fake news.
Traditional or legacy media is ordered by a need for balance. A newspaper, for example, has sections that deal with politics, crime, sports, the arts et al. There is, at least in principle, an attempt to tell both sides of a story in each report. On social media, the only editor is the user herself. Algorithms ensure that people see more of what they “like”, that biases are reinforced rather than countered. Fake news is certainly a crucial aspect of online propaganda. But for young citizens to form opinions based on multiple viewpoints, they need to consciously seek out more than they are comfortable with.

Social media is dangerous in its ability to influence opinion in readers through

its choice of news items which are presented.

its balanced reporting of wide-ranging stories.

its ability to guide the reader to motivated conclusions.

the creation of interest by using dubious facts.

its choice of news items which are presented.

4 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 1 - 6: Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

From ancient Rome up to the Victorian era, a training in logic and rhetoric was meant to help privileged young men recognize spurious arguments and facts. Times have changed, but contemporary Italy is determined that its youth are prepared, as their ancient counterparts were, to engage meaningfully with the present-day version of the Forum — social media. At the end of October, 8,000 Italian schools will teach their students how to spot fake news through a programmer developed with the help of journalists as well as tech giants Google and Facebook. In Israel, the University of Haifa is launching a course titled “Fake News.”
The purpose of these courses is to ensure that public debate, particularly during election campaigns, is not hijacked by vested interests. Since the US presidential election in 2016, the spectre of Russia and its use of online propaganda has loomed large over public discourse in the West. In other parts of the world too, doctored images and blatant lies have been published by “news” websites. Given the speed with which information is shared online, the damage is already done by the time a fake story is exposed. The voters of tomorrow certainly need to be armed with the ability to sift bare facts from motivated fiction. The effects of social media on the formation of opinion, however, go far beyond fake news.
Traditional or legacy media is ordered by a need for balance. A newspaper, for example, has sections that deal with politics, crime, sports, the arts et al. There is, at least in principle, an attempt to tell both sides of a story in each report. On social media, the only editor is the user herself. Algorithms ensure that people see more of what they “like”, that biases are reinforced rather than countered. Fake news is certainly a crucial aspect of online propaganda. But for young citizens to form opinions based on multiple viewpoints, they need to consciously seek out more than they are comfortable with.

‘Vested interests' (Para 2) means

hidden purposes

popular interests

self-serving intentions

profitable motives

self-serving intentions

5 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 1 - 6: Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

From ancient Rome up to the Victorian era, a training in logic and rhetoric was meant to help privileged young men recognize spurious arguments and facts. Times have changed, but contemporary Italy is determined that its youth are prepared, as their ancient counterparts were, to engage meaningfully with the present-day version of the Forum — social media. At the end of October, 8,000 Italian schools will teach their students how to spot fake news through a programmer developed with the help of journalists as well as tech giants Google and Facebook. In Israel, the University of Haifa is launching a course titled “Fake News.”
The purpose of these courses is to ensure that public debate, particularly during election campaigns, is not hijacked by vested interests. Since the US presidential election in 2016, the spectre of Russia and its use of online propaganda has loomed large over public discourse in the West. In other parts of the world too, doctored images and blatant lies have been published by “news” websites. Given the speed with which information is shared online, the damage is already done by the time a fake story is exposed. The voters of tomorrow certainly need to be armed with the ability to sift bare facts from motivated fiction. The effects of social media on the formation of opinion, however, go far beyond fake news.
Traditional or legacy media is ordered by a need for balance. A newspaper, for example, has sections that deal with politics, crime, sports, the arts et al. There is, at least in principle, an attempt to tell both sides of a story in each report. On social media, the only editor is the user herself. Algorithms ensure that people see more of what they “like”, that biases are reinforced rather than countered. Fake news is certainly a crucial aspect of online propaganda. But for young citizens to form opinions based on multiple viewpoints, they need to consciously seek out more than they are comfortable with.

The antonym for ‘spurious' (Para 1) is






6 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 1 - 6: Read the following passage and choose the answer that is closest to each of the questions that are based on the passage.

From ancient Rome up to the Victorian era, a training in logic and rhetoric was meant to help privileged young men recognize spurious arguments and facts. Times have changed, but contemporary Italy is determined that its youth are prepared, as their ancient counterparts were, to engage meaningfully with the present-day version of the Forum — social media. At the end of October, 8,000 Italian schools will teach their students how to spot fake news through a programmer developed with the help of journalists as well as tech giants Google and Facebook. In Israel, the University of Haifa is launching a course titled “Fake News.”
The purpose of these courses is to ensure that public debate, particularly during election campaigns, is not hijacked by vested interests. Since the US presidential election in 2016, the spectre of Russia and its use of online propaganda has loomed large over public discourse in the West. In other parts of the world too, doctored images and blatant lies have been published by “news” websites. Given the speed with which information is shared online, the damage is already done by the time a fake story is exposed. The voters of tomorrow certainly need to be armed with the ability to sift bare facts from motivated fiction. The effects of social media on the formation of opinion, however, go far beyond fake news.
Traditional or legacy media is ordered by a need for balance. A newspaper, for example, has sections that deal with politics, crime, sports, the arts et al. There is, at least in principle, an attempt to tell both sides of a story in each report. On social media, the only editor is the user herself. Algorithms ensure that people see more of what they “like”, that biases are reinforced rather than countered. Fake news is certainly a crucial aspect of online propaganda. But for young citizens to form opinions based on multiple viewpoints, they need to consciously seek out more than they are comfortable with.

The writer of the passage calls social media 'the present-day version of the Roman Forum' because it is a space for

carrying out political propaganda

discussing ideas

nurturing political ambitions

spreading spurious arguments

discussing ideas

7 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 7 - 12: Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word/phrase from the options given below

The impatient and intolerant mother made every effort to

domineer her children

dominate the child's lives

denominate her children

dominion her children

denominate her children

8 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 7 - 12: Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word/phrase from the options given below

To avoid the ecological issues, scientists and government agencies consider how sustainable development 

effects the citizen

affects the citizen

is affective to the citizen

is affectionate to the citizen

affects the citizen

9 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 7 - 12: Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word/phrase from the options given below

I now have more productive time during the day because I keep the office gossips

a foot away

at arm's length

at bay's length

out of harm's way

at arm's length

10 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 7 - 12: Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word/phrase from the options given below

We need to cut down on our expenses, so that we are able to

make ends meet

tie up the loose ends

be more philanthropic

be tax compliant

make ends meet

11 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 7 - 12: Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word/phrase from the options given below

A portion of the house collapsed because the contractor _________and built it with very poor quality materials.

short-changed places

cut corners

bit the bullet

made a fortune

cut corners

12 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 7 - 12: Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate word/phrase from the options given below

Our team has won every single match that they have played since January. They seem to be.

rolling in luck

rolling in money

on a roll

on a roller coaster

on a roll

13 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 13 - 15: Choose the alternative so that the underlined part of the sentence is rendered correct.

Other politicians may have claims to seniority over their peers, based upon their accomplishments and their ability to lead campaigns, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex, who is often described as merely being a junior member of the House of Representatives, has an unparalleled seniority over all of them by virtue of her prowess in social media management.

as merely being a junior member of the House of Representatives

as being a merely junior member of the House of Representatives

for merely being a junior member of the House of Representatives

as a mere junior member of the House of Representatives

as merely being a junior member of the House of Representatives

14 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 13 - 15: Choose the alternative so that the underlined part of the sentence is rendered correct.

Although the coastal city of Kundapur was once home to a flourishing maritime trade, their economy has been dependent in more recent years on the cotton textile and sugar industries.

it's economy had depended in more recent years

its economy has in more recent years depended

the economy having in more recent years depended

their economy has depended in more recent years

its economy has in more recent years depended

15 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 13 - 15: Choose the alternative so that the underlined part of the sentence is rendered correct.

Due to the progress in the field of modern medicine and advances in nutrition and hygiene, less people die every year from infectious diseases then ever before.

fewer people die every year from infectious diseases then ever before.

less people die every year from infectious diseases then ever before.

fewer people die every year from infectious diseases than ever before.

every year, fewer people die from infectious diseases than have ever before.

fewer people die every year from infectious diseases than ever before.

16 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 16 - 17: Each of the paragraphs given below has a sentence missing which is indicated by a blank. From the choices given below each paragraph, choose the sentence that seems most logically appropriate to complete the paragraph.

Captive breeding has helped revive wildlife such as the Eurasian beaver, the cheetah and the Arabian Onyx. Several species have been reintroduced into locations in order that the ecological balance is restored. When herbivorous bandicoots were set free in the wild, they dug the ground and redistributed dry leaves and branches, reducing the chance of bush fires. But some predators may overhunt or threaten other vulnerable species. _____________________

Hence, wildlife conservationists should revive more of herbivorous animals and enrich the ecosystems

Conservation of carnivorous animals is complex and could be dangerous to so many other vulnerable species,

The revival of the ecosystem therefore, depends on the eating habits of the animals introduced therein.

Therefore, all species must be revived and allowed to live in forests regardless of their being carnivorous.

The revival of the ecosystem therefore, depends on the eating habits of the animals introduced therein.

17 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 16 - 17: Each of the paragraphs given below has a sentence missing which is indicated by a blank. From the choices given below each paragraph, choose the sentence that seems most logically appropriate to complete the paragraph.

Postponed from last year, the Tokyo Olympics are set to begin this year. The locals are wary, the athletes are anxious, training sessions are truncated, and restrictions are extensive. ________________Yet Japan, in many ways is seen as a safe choice, because of its past experience of hosting big events. It has an impeccable reputation for discipline and the ability to deliver the goods.

The Japanese are anxious but ready to welcome the athletes.

The shadow of the pandemic looms large over the Tokyo Olympics.

The International Olympic Committee has fully supported the Tokyo games.

Japan is going through an economic recession and could run out of funds.

The shadow of the pandemic looms large over the Tokyo Olympics.

18 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 18 - 22: The sentences below have words that are missing. Choose the best option from those given below to complete the sentence.

When we think about listening, we tend to assume that it is basically the same as hearing; this is a ________________because it leads us to believe that effective listening is____________. As a result, we make little effort to learn, or develop listening skills and thereby__________________ a vital communication function.

blunder, spontaneous, forget

fallacy, impulsive, ignore

mistake, natural, reject

misconception, instinctive, neglect

misconception, instinctive, neglect

19 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 18 - 22: The sentences below have words that are missing. Choose the best option from those given below to complete the sentence.

As vaccination rates rise and governments relax their pandemic ______________ the recovery of the event ecosystem is happening faster than expected. Event management _____________see the number of events and event attendance reaching and potentially ______________pre-pandemic levels in 2019.

regulations, professionals, surpassing

monitoring, experts, confounding

resolutions, practitioners, reducing

systems, masters, exceeding

regulations, professionals, surpassing

20 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 18 - 22: The sentences below have words that are missing. Choose the best option from those given below to complete the sentence.

This _________, ________man was actually the ______________manager the company ever had.

assiduous, ludicrous, most able

assiduous, analytical, best

well-groomed, assertive, compassionate

kind-hearted, thoughtful, friendly

assiduous, analytical, best

21 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 18 - 22: The sentences below have words that are missing. Choose the best option from those given below to complete the sentence.

The best strategy to give an ____________is to deliver it orally as well as in___________ It is also important to _________the employee's achievements in the same manner.

approval, awards, promote

indictment, memos, realize

appraisal, writing, recognize

appreciation, increments, advertise

appraisal, writing, recognize

22 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 18 - 22: The sentences below have words that are missing. Choose the best option from those given below to complete the sentence.

The Aravalli range is the oldest_________ geological feature anywhere in the world. These were once tall mountains, possibly as high as the Himalayas. Over hundreds of millions of years these tall mountains have been __________ to low hills and ridges. Yet, these diminutive hills have been____________ to many important events in Indian history.

existing, reduced, sentinel

prevailing, destroyed, testament

surviving, eroded, witness

continuing, broken down, observers

surviving, eroded, witness

23 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 23 - 27: One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

Naturally, the fauna of the region varies with climatic changes.

Some plants adapt themselves to a variety of climatic conditions.

When the last tree dies in the climactic scene, the message in the movie becomes clear

The climactic changes from summer to winter affected the moods of the hero of the film.

The climactic changes from summer to winter affected the moods of the hero of the film.

24 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 23 - 27: One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

The lives of the little princes in the large castle in the rich city were luxurious.

The rooms were adorned with luxuriant trimmings of gold, silk and velvet.

They were handsome men who were distinguished by their luxuriant, golden tresses.

The cruise ship was of medium size, but the suites were very luxurious.

The rooms were adorned with luxuriant trimmings of gold, silk and velvet.

25 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 23 - 27: One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

 The king was under intensive pressure to protect the borders of his vast empire.

The subject's loathing of the cruel emperor was intense.

Without intensive study, it is difficult for most students to get admitted into any course.

The intense debate between states led to the resolution of issues across the border.

The king was under intensive pressure to protect the borders of his vast empire.

26 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 23 - 27: One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

We called a mechanic to appraise the car before we bought it.

The principal called a meeting to apprise the school's governing board of the progress made by all the students in the past year.

At the end of each practice session, the teacher trainees are expected to appraise their own performance.

The soldiers returned to the camp to appraise the commanding officer of the enemy's location.

The soldiers returned to the camp to appraise the commanding officer of the enemy's location.

27 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 23 - 27: One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

The young girl said, “I now request our chief guest to come forward for the lighting of the lamp."

I just read that two men who took shelter under a tall tree during a thunderstorm were struck by lightning.

I believe that skin lightning products have a lot of undesirable side effects.

The young girl helped her mother carry some of the groceries home, thereby lightening her heavy load.

I believe that skin lightning products have a lot of undesirable side effects.

28 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 28 - 30: The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is  labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided, for e.g., 1234.

In the past, companies with international aspirations simply familiarized themselves with any differences in the legal system or in the procedures used in the day – to – day business of import and export.

Modern trade, however, demands more from companies.

Today, the company seeking international success must also understand the people who live and work in countries they deal with, how they think, behave and do business.

To succeed in today’s global market place, it is essential to learn as much as possible about the conditions in overseas markets.


29 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 28 - 30: The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is  labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided, for e.g., 1234.

It mentions a video on Tik Tok that questioned an influencer's possible views on the Israel-Palestine crisis.

Social media has given us the expectation that every video, every tweet needs to be irreproachable and encompass the lived experiences of the audience.

Should celebs always have a take, asks an article in a magazine.

“Do you guys even care about the issue or do you care about influencers caring about the issue?”


30 IPMAT 2021 - Verbal Ability

Directions for Qs. 28 - 30: The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is  labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided, for e.g., 1234.

In a recent incident, villagers in a tea estate were shocked to find a leopard cub in a trench.

The cub was then taken to the area where she was discovered and reunited with her mother.

The 12,500 leopards in India stray into villages due to their shrinking habitat.

The wildlife vet examined and declared it to be uninjured but dehydrated.


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Courses Offered:

  • CAT Coaching in Indore: Comprehensive coaching program covering Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, and Logical Reasoning.
  • IPMAT Coaching in Indore: Specialized coaching for Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT), encompassing Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, and Logical Reasoning.
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Online Courses:

  • CAT Coaching Online: Interactive sessions covering the entirety of CAT’s syllabus, with recorded sessions for flexible learning.
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Preparation Books:

To complement our coaching programs, we recommend the following preparation books:

  • CAT Preparation Books: Curated materials focusing on Verbal Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, Data Interpretation, and Logical Reasoning.
  • IPMAT Preparation Books: Essential resources covering Quantitative Ability, Verbal Ability, and Logical Reasoning for IPMAT.
  • CMAT Preparation Books: Comprehensive guides addressing Quantitative Techniques, Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, and General Awareness for CMAT.
  • CUET Preparation Books: Specialized books catering to the unique syllabus and requirements of the Common University Entrance Test.

Stalwart Career Institute offers a seamless blend of classroom and online courses, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for students aiming to excel in CAT, IPM, CMAT, CUET, and more. Choose the mode of learning that suits your schedule and preferences while receiving the same high-quality education and guidance. Your aspirations, our expertise – a winning combination for your MBA dreams.