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Get access to the detailed solutions to the previous years questions asked in IIM IPMAT exam
Employee’s A, B, C, D & E
Monday |
Babha, Ethan |
Tuesday |
Alex, Dilip |
Wednesday |
Alex, Dilip |
Thursday |
Cathy, Babha |
Friday |
Cathy, Ethan |
Saturday |
Alex, Ethan |
Sunday |
Cathy, Babha, Dilip |
From clue 2 & clue 3 Alex doesn’t work with Bhabha or Cathy & as 3rd work day differs for Alex & Dilip so Alex work with Ethan on Friday or Saturday as they can’t have 3 consecutive work day so Monday, Thursday is ruled out & since they both are only working so they can’t work on Sunday.
From clue 4 Cathy doesn’t work on Saturday or Monday & she has to work on 3 days so she will work on Thursday, Friday & Sunday
Since Alex cannot work with Cathy so Alex & Ethan work on Saturday only.
Dilip doesn’t work consecutively so he will not work on Monday or Thursday
So since on Monday Dilip, Cathy & Alex doesn’t work so Ethan & Babha works on Monday
Since Ethan cannot work on Sunday otherwise he will work for 3 consecutive days on Saturday, Sunday & Monday hence on Sunday the other three that is Babha, Cathy & Dilip will work.
Ethan needs to work on 2 consecutive days as everyone works for 2 consecutive days from clue 1 so Ethan works on Friday with Cathy.
So now after filling the entire table by placing Babha with Cathy on Thursday from clue 1, now Babha also works consecutively.
All the clues are satisfied and above table is obtained
From the data in table Alex works on Saturday.