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Get access to the detailed solutions to the previous years questions asked in IIM IPMAT exam
Option B - Though on the first skim the option seems to be perfect, the author never mentions anything about "achieving human progress" anywhere in the passage. The opinions and facts are restricted to "gender differences" and human abilities" only. So, option B can be eliminated.
Option C - This passage discusses human brain and abilities in the context of gender, and does not deal with the "functioning of the human brain" exclusively. So, this option can be eliminated.
Option D - This option is antithetical to the views expressed by the author in the passage. This can, instantly, be eliminated. This leaves us only with option A. Ultimately, the passage is about human abilities, as can be seen from the phrases, "highly individualised", "profoundly adaptable", and "full of unbounded potential".
Option A - The question is "The writer of this passage wants to emphasise the need to”, hence, the answer is use new insights provided by scientific research for a better understanding of human abilities. A is the right answer